Baby picture for a better government

—A short resume——
Early on I was interested in finance, the economy, world affairs & getting things done, many times undone. I’ve worked with all sorts of working class people (sometimes those with no class at all) but never for those at the very top, they would not have me? I could go on & on forever about my family heritage & friends that have known & wondered about me but in the end what really counts is if animals accept  me. 
 I will do anything & everything for Americans & Citizens Of The World to make things better for our Planet, a really great amazing promise, truly amazing, a wonderful promise.  I will do this by presenting myths backed by lack of evidence that the bought and paid for media will always portray.  I will give you a constant stream of BullShit that will appeal to your lower sense of ethics & morals .  I will go back in history to our roots of about six thousand years ago, to a time when Rachel Welch was fighting dinosaurs & wearing that sexy looking cavewoman attire (lets go back right now!).  I will also look forward to our Manifest Wall Street Destiny to provide a better livelihood for the haves & also the almost haves. I can not lower myself to the levels of the 2 major political parties but I will attempt to. 
If you are sick & tired of the same old shit, I promise you that you will be more sick & tired of the same old shit  I put forth.   Just look at these pictures & decide if what you see is worth having me lead this country—Again, so studious at an early age, coupled with a natural affinity with the Teamsters Union code of ethics. It’s all baby pablum———
I implore you to vote for the SOS party, a party that will provide the same old shit but with a needed new sauce to make it more palatable !
A VOTE FOR ME IS A VOTE FOR THE SOS—–one more thing, I will not tell you how I will accomplish anything—that’s a given!