Letter to the Mainstream Media: It’s Time for You to Acquire a Conscience

By:  ButtCracker   —   December 1, 2017

The Main Stream Media has enormous capability mated with an extraordinary responsibility but is not utilizing either for maximum positive affect.  I say this simply because of the fact that our country, world & Planet Earth are in extreme peril yet hardly anything about this is being brought to the forefront by the MSM on a total comprehensive level.  You have the crucial duty to acknowledge, warn & inform the populace on a continuing basis of the numerous dangers we are not only in right now, but others that are approaching so rapidly that if immediate attention is not paid all might be lost. If not totally lost, most assuredly altered to the extent that humanity and most other life forms we share the Earth with will never fully recover. There are issues, scientists, facts & evidence that need to be presented for citizens to hear, see, understand & be exposed to in order that correct and properly informed decisions are made for our survival—you need to explain it in concise detail!  Anything less and you shirk your responsibilities as you’ve been doing——that is the reason the MSM has been held in such low esteem for so long. Many citizens are beginning to see the light but you still maintain yourselves in the dark because you have become the henchmen of greed & power instead of an informative platform for truth.  The news has evolved into an exercise of stirring the pot aimed at your corporations’ bottom line by way of exciting citizens’ emotions rather than an cognitive explanation of what’s actually transpiring here & throughout the world.

Consider What We’ve Dangerously Done & Are Doing:  We have a leadership hierarchy that is intent on two things: power & greed — that’s their god!  As bad as it was up until now, the current administration is undoing and rolling back years of attempted progress to such an extent it’s impossible to wrap your head around it.  The President has even mentioned taking away the licenses of news organizations he doesn’t deem falling in line with his “alternative facts”. This President promised to drain the swamp and get rid of lobbyists for special interests, he did this yes —- 1st he made them campaign advisors & more, now some have a comfy home in the White House. You are not holding his administration’s, or congress’, feet to the fire on an adult, factually structured level as necessary, only bringing about a juvenile soap opera news type atmosphere that he & they navigate so well in, a travesty!  They are getting a free ride while the Planet & its inhabitants are suffering & paying dearly! You are a willful participant by ignoring what is plain as day, selling your souls to the devil for ratings & money!  Rex Tillerson’s reported departure signals more Trump yes-men arriving———imagine an administration with only yes-people?

While this nonsense progresses; we are turning our oceans and waterways into cesspools; we are making our air unbreathable; we are warming the Earth from fossil fuels to the extent that population displacement thru rising ocean levels is an imminent danger of destabilizing our social structure, not to mention the affect our continuous war mongering has had in that regard. Anthropogenic warming is creating terrible famine & new disease vectors while we are purposely ignoring a technological solution (known for over 50 years) in the form of Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactors (LFTRs) (safe nuclear energy generation)—thank the Military Industrial Complex & Fossil Fuel Cartel for burying that, & Trump wants to subsidize the coal industry—insanity! We are depleting Earth’s resources at an alarming rate, hindering & eventually ending our ability to sustain ourselves; we have produced weapons of mass destruction on a incomprehensible level capable of destroying mankind but can’t implement a humane heath care system; we have made the term “terrorism” a scare tactic to justify civil rights abuses, curtailing truthful information while making false information sharing a propagandized tool; we have a shadow government that hero whistleblowers have exposed only to be persecuted & prosecuted for their truth telling; we have turned media viewing (yes, that’s you) on almost all levels into a tailored infotainment revenue generating distraction; we have allowed polarization of our populace using religion, race & ethnicity so they believe if someone is different, or holds a different view from themselves, they have no right to exist; we have turned law enforcement into a mercenary arm of the greedy elite, dressed in military uniforms with the full military gear of past and present police state authoritarian dictators; we are on the cusp of allowing our Internet to be taken away right now when it is exactly as it should be, a utility, this scares the hell out of the powers that be. In essence, we have become what we used to fight against. The current administration didn’t invent any of this but as sure as our president lies on a daily basis, it’s been made unimaginably much worse——-it’s all madness & you need to step up to the plate & call it for what it is right NOW! Who’s running your shows?

Understand that there is much I’ve left out that needs addressing—you know that of course!  I use “we” above because the carefully cultivated apathy that has enabled this system to thrive includes all of us—-we are part and parcel to it, complicit because of our programmed ignorance, but you allow it, promote it.  What passes for most of our “leaders” (& not just in this country either) are a cartel of greedy, egotistical, ignorant, stupid, self-serving tyrants without a conscience whose sole mindset is obtaining material possessions——-more than they would ever be able to use in more than 10 lifetimes. If the ignorant component of their existence was benign that might be somewhat excusable but it’s willful, each part of their makeup is malignant—their actions are evil, as are they. Their shortsightedness, even for their own survival, is incomprehensible!

Consider This:  Humans as a species are amazing!  We have traveled far from our origins and grown our abilities to unbelievable heights; we have extended our lifetimes more than double; we have eliminated countless diseases; we have put men on the moon, sent a craft out of our solar system & looked as far back in time as the beginning of the universe; we have produced replaceable organs for our kind and are now able to edit our own DNA to actually make ourselves better; we have produced machines that in many respects will surpass our own abilities; we have been so successful that, that in itself has become a threat! Humans have a future that can only be constrained or destroyed by ourselves, our imagination presents limitless bounds. But, right now, we are being led down a road that has worse than a mere barricade in sight, there’s a precipice we’re fast approaching that’s bottomless.  If we don’t stop now, turn around & take another path, we will be over that cliff on our way down to a place we may never be able to climb out of!  We have the capability of so much yet have allowed ourselves, with much help, to be driven to this point—–such a shame, such a waste, such a crime!

What The Media Needs To Do:  Proudly consider past accomplishments of bygone days, the ground many of you have broken, the lives you’ve saved & have affected in so many positive ways, the animal species you have stood up for & helped to survive, & for much more.  But, also consider what I described to begin with, what you must recognize & understand as your duty to the future. The MSM has the resources, contacts, personnel and loyal following to do much simply thru truthful edification. During this precarious time, unconventional (for your industry) measures might be necessary—-waking up & being truthful to yourselves, by offering a hand to your viewers, readers, listeners & citizens that’s filled with truth and facts about the deep hole we have dug for ourselves & to present ways to climb out. We are all in this together———Civilizations die much less frequently from murder than they do from suicide! What we’re deciding right now is the method of our demise —- the media needs to be our suicide hotline!  Humanity is in a fight with itself for its own survival. I implore you to consider what I’ve mentioned —-

Staying Silent When We Should Speak Up Makes Us Cowards, Especially When We Possess A Loud Voice —- Stop Being Silent About What’s On The Horizon —-It’s Time For You To Be Heros.

Dec 1 2017, ButtCracker, YouButtHeads

Image: WashingtonPost