Docu-drama (Re: Secret Documents)

It’s now known for sure that the “docu–drama”  going on is all about 2 things:

1)  “Cool” keepsakes —-a la the Trumpster

The Donald referred to the secret folders (1-18-23) as “ordinary” and “inexpensive” but said, “they were a cool keepsake.”​

Trump Dances

2)  And, “classic—fied”  (possibly original build sheets for asleep at the wheel Joe’s classic 1967 Corvette?) were in his garage, but, after all, you never can tell what might be under the hood of an old classic—-
Joe referred to the documents (1-12-22) as, “locked up next to my Corvette”.

If either one of these guys runs in 2024 you can trust that the system is fully intact 😮