Category: American Empire

U.S. Is Global Kleptocracy Central

How the US became the center of global kleptocracy The US has become the key cog in the machine of modern kleptocracy worldwide. But it didn’t start with Trump. By Casey Michel February 03, 2020 Critics of President Donald Trump frequently use…

Endless War

Endless War is a Disastrous (But Profitable) Enterprise By Lawrence Wilkerson Col, USA (Ret) January 30, 2020 “The collapse of the Libyan state has had region-wide repercussions, with flows of people and weapons destabilizing other countries throughout North Africa.” This…

Impeach The Government—-Not Just Trump

Impeach the Government: Rogue Agencies Have Been Abusing Their Powers for Decades By John W. Whitehead “When a man unprincipled in private life[,] desperate in his fortune, bold in his temper . . . despotic in his ordinary demeanour —…

Death By Oligarchy

Death by Oligarchy By Chris Hedges November 11, 2019 Oligarchs are blinded by hubris, wealth and power. Their cloying sense of entitlement sees them outraged by even the most tepid reforms or mildest of criticisms. They lack empathy and compassion,…

Endless War

America’s Endless Wars: From A West Pointer Fri, 11/08/2019 – 21:45 Authored by US Army Major Danny Sjursen (ret.)  Patches, pins, medals, and badges are the visible signs of an exclusive military culture, a silent language by which soldiers and officers…

Dying Empires And The Enemy Within

Dying Empires And The Enemy Within By Chris Hedges November 04, 2019 Our democracy is not in peril—we do not live in a democracy. The image of our democracy is in peril. The deep state—the generals, bankers, corporatists, lobbyists, intelligence chiefs, government bureaucrats…

The Age Of Radical Evil

The Age of Radical Evil By Chris Hedges October 16, 2019 Immanuel Kant coined the term “radical evil.” It was the privileging of one’s own interest over that of others, effectively reducing those around you to objects to be manipulated and…

Our Invisible Government

Our Invisible Government By Chris Hedges September 17, 2019 There are two forms of government in the United States. There is the visible government—the White House, Congress, the courts, state legislatures and governorships—and the invisible government, or deep state, where…

The Capitalists Are Afraid

THE CAPITALISTS ARE AFRAID By Chris Hedges September 09, 2019 Capitalists seek to maximize profits and reduce the cost of labor. This sums up capitalism at its core. It is defined by these immutable objectives. It is not about democracy. It is…

US Foreign Policy Is A War On Disobedience

By Caitlin Johnstone In an excellent new essay titled “We’re Not the Good Guys — Why Is American Aggression Missing in Action?“, Tom Engelhardt criticizes the way western media outlets consistently describe the behavior of disobedient nations like Iran as…

Unhappy Thoughts For The 4TH Of July

Unhappy Thoughts For the Fourth of July By Paul Craig Roberts July 04, 2019 The human race, being a collection of stupids, continues to make decisions that imperil itself. For example, a simple mistake in a warning system about incoming…

This Outlaw Power

Submitted by:  ButtCracker   — On June 4th the Chinese government issued a travel alert for Chinese tourists thinking of visiting the United States, a day after it issued a similar advisory to Chinese students thinking of studying in the US…

War Against Venezuela Is War Against Us All

Submitted by:  ButtCracker   — The American war on Venezuela continues to escalate with the sabotage of its electricity grid, the most serious action of all so far, which was not only an act of terrorism against the entire civilian population…

The Prisoner Says No to Big Brother

Submitted by ButtCracker   — Whenever I visit Julian Assange, we meet in a room he knows too well. There is a bare table and pictures of Ecuador on the walls. There is a bookcase where the books never change. The…

Worshipping the Electronic Image

Submitted by:  ButtCracker   — Trump is a creature—maybe the poster child—of the modern, post-literate culture Donald Trump, like much of the American public, is entranced by electronic images. He interprets reality through the distortions of digital media. His decisions, opinions,…

I Pledge Allegiance to the United States of Sociopathy

Submitted by:  ButtCracker   — In Alfred Hitchcock’s classic thriller, Shadow of a Doubt, spunky, recent high school grad Teresa Wright discovers her beloved uncle is a serial killer. Wright’s subsequent efforts to protect herself and others from psychopathic Joseph Cotten…