Category: American Empire

Who’s Funding The White Helmets?

Submitted by:  ButtCracker   — As the U.S. moves closer toward all out war in Syria, a lot of what our government seems to base its intelligence on, especially claims of chemical weapon use by they Syrian government, is from an…

Trump’s Rush to Judgment on Syria Chemical Attack

Submitted by:  ButtCracker   — On Sunday, President Trump announced his intention to make those responsible for an alleged chemical weapons attack on Douma, including the Syrian government and its Russian and Iranian allies, pay a “big price” for their continued disregard for…

America’s Phony War

Submitted by:  ButtCracker   — Blitzkrieg Overseas, Sitzkrieg in the Homeland Overseas, the United States is engaged in real wars in which bombs are dropped, missiles are launched, and people (generally not Americans) are killed, wounded, uprooted, and displaced. Yet here…

The Politicization of the FBI

Submitted by:  ButtCracker   — Joseph E. diGenova, Former US Attorney Over the past year, facts have emerged that suggest there was a plot by high-ranking FBI and Department of Justice (DOJ) officials in the Obama administration, acting under color of…

Through the Gates of Hell

Submitted by ButtCracker   — On this Presidents’ Day weekend, in honor of the president we have, I decided to repost this old piece of mine.  I wrote it in a white heat of shock, just after learning that Donald Trump…

Russian Meddling: Gagging On The Irony

he irony that is most gagging is that America’s power elite is destroying the nation’s social order by its concentration of wealth and abuse of power. The irony of the Deep State’s obsessive focus on “Russian meddling” in the precious…

The Useful Idiocy of Donald Trump

The problem with Donald Trump is not that he is imbecilic and inept—it is that he has surrendered total power to the oligarchic and military elites. They get what they want. They do what they want. Although the president is…

How Corporate Power Killed Democracy

Submitted by:  ButtCracker   — Corporate Power is the Fusion of the Corporation and the State The rise of Corporate Power was the fall of democracy.  Over the long haul, US politics has revolved around a deep tension between democracy and…

Israel’s Money Machine

Submitted by:  ButtCracker   — The stars came out in Hollywood on November 2nd, or at least some of them did. The gala event celebrated the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and raised funds to support its mission in Israel itself and…