Category: Executive Branch

Evangelicals Who Pray For War

Evangelicals Who Pray for War With Iran Mike Pence and Mike Pompeo, who urged Trump to kill Qassem Soleimani, are ardent proponents of Christian Zionism. By Sarah Posner January 16, 2020 Last Friday, a day after Iranian Maj. Gen. Qassem…

Giuliani Banging The Trump Drum, But For Whom?

Franklin Foer Staff writer for The Atlantic Rudy Giuliani Is Living the Dream Don’t let his butt-dials distract from his cunning. It can sometimes seem as if Donald Trump has outsourced the defense of his presidency to an erratic buffoon. Rudy…

Impeach The Government—-Not Just Trump

Impeach the Government: Rogue Agencies Have Been Abusing Their Powers for Decades By John W. Whitehead “When a man unprincipled in private life[,] desperate in his fortune, bold in his temper . . . despotic in his ordinary demeanour —…

Trump Just Might Be The Catalyst

Why Aren’t Americans Rising Up Like We Are Seeing Across the Planet? By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies November 16, 2019 The waves of protests breaking out in country after country around the world beg the question: Why…

Endless War

America’s Endless Wars: From A West Pointer Fri, 11/08/2019 – 21:45 Authored by US Army Major Danny Sjursen (ret.)  Patches, pins, medals, and badges are the visible signs of an exclusive military culture, a silent language by which soldiers and officers…

Dying Empires And The Enemy Within

Dying Empires And The Enemy Within By Chris Hedges November 04, 2019 Our democracy is not in peril—we do not live in a democracy. The image of our democracy is in peril. The deep state—the generals, bankers, corporatists, lobbyists, intelligence chiefs, government bureaucrats…

Russiagate Becomes Israelgate

Submitted by:  ButtCracker   — Who was corrupting the American political system? Reading the mainstream media headlines relating to the flipping of former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn to provide evidence relating to the allegations about Russian interference in America’s last…

The Russian Hacking Story Continues to Unravel

Submitted by ButtCracker   — A new report by a retired IT executive at IBM, debunks the claim that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential campaign by hacking Democratic computers and circulating damaging information about Hillary Clinton.  The report, which is titled “The Non-Existent Foundation…

A World in Turmoil, Thank You Mr. Trump!

Submitted by:  ButtCracker   — The real Donald Trump has been exposed. The man who promised a sensible and non-interventionist Middle Eastern policy and a reset with Moscow has now reneged on both pledges. His nitwit United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley…

The Surveillance State Behind Russia-Gate

Although many details are still hazy because of secrecy – and further befogged by politics – it appears House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes was informed last week about invasive electronic surveillance of senior U.S. government officials and, in turn,…

The Politics Behind ‘Russia-gate’

Exclusive: The hysteria over “Russia-gate” continues to grow – as President Trump’s enemies circle – but at its core there may be no there there while it risks pushing the world toward nuclear annihilation, writes Robert Parry. There may be…