Category: Foreign Policy

Trumped-up claims against Trump

Submitted by ButtCracker   — The Washington establishment rejoiced last week over what seemed to be a windfall “gotcha” moment, as President Donald Trump said he had fired FBI Director James Comey over “this Russia thing, with Trump and Russia.” The…

The Existential Question of Whom to Trust

Secretary of State Colin Powell addressed the United Nations on Feb. 5. 2003, citing satellite photos which supposedly proved that Iraq had WMD, but the evidence proved bogus. CIA Director George Tenet is behind Powell to the left. The looming…

Dashed Hopes for Trump’s Foreign Policy

President Trump’s missile attack on Syria – without waiting for an investigation of Syria’s alleged role in a poison-gas attack – has dashed hopes that he might take U.S. foreign policy in a less warlike direction. My days of hoping for…

Operation Mosul: A Medieval Massacre

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova described it this way weeks after US-led terror-bombing and Iraqi ground operations began last October – long before the worst horrors ongoing now. US-orchestrated operations are being conducted under “conditions of absolute information blockade,” Zakharova explained.…

The Politics Behind ‘Russia-gate’

Exclusive: The hysteria over “Russia-gate” continues to grow – as President Trump’s enemies circle – but at its core there may be no there there while it risks pushing the world toward nuclear annihilation, writes Robert Parry. There may be…

Trump’s Refugee Ban – Made in Israel?

President Trump has issued an executive order suspending entry to the U.S for people from Iraq, Syria, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Iran, and Yemen (the order is called “Protecting the Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry Into the United States”). These same…

In Beijing, and Washington, a Breath of Foul Air

The scene in a Beijing park in December. The city’s air quality is routinely rated “very unhealthy.” Credit Wang Zhao/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images When friends cautioned me about Beijing’s notorious air pollution recently, ahead of my first visit there,…

5 Places World War III Could Start in 2017

Submitted by:  ButtCracker  — The Trump administration enters office in an unsettled time. For a variety of reasons (some directly connected to Trump’s rhetoric), the great powers face more uncertainty than at any time in recent memory.  In the first…

2016: The year Washington lost its mind

Submitted by:  ButtCracker   — Protesters wearing masks of presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump © Dominick Reuter / Reuters Seismic is the only word to describe 2016, especially when describing the US-Russia relationship. Paraphrasing Gramsci, it was a year in which…

The Coming War on China

A film by John Pilger  — The greatest build-up of American-led military forces since the Second World War is well under way. When I first went to Hiroshima in 1967, the shadow on the steps was still there. It was…

‘The War on Democracy’

‘The War on Democracy’ is John Pilger’s first major film for the cinema – in a career that has produced more than 55 television documentaries. Set in Latin America and the US, it explores the historic and current relationship of…

The Fight Isn’t Against ISIS, It’s Against Assad

A collection of thoughts about American foreign policy Louis XVI needed a revolution, Napoleon needed two historic military defeats, the Spanish Empire in the New World needed multiple revolutions, the Russian Czar needed a communist revolution, the Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman…