Category: Political

IMF to Greece: Sorry We’ll Destroy You

Bond holders, banks, and IMF bear responsibility for having made irresponsible loans to Greece, so it is not right for them to force yet more austerity on Greece, says Michael Hudson. Sharmini Peries: It’s the Real News Network. I am…

Controlled Opposition In The Truth Movement

Ever wonder why nothing ever changes? Two words: Controlled Opposition. Controlled opposition is counterintelligence propaganda and is carried out today, legally, under the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act. It’s all an Act. And the Act is part and parcel of Social Engineering,…

Trump, A Symptom Of What?

Submitted by:  ButtCracker   — You could hear the deep sadness in the preacher’s voice as he named “the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today — my own government.” With those words, Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. launched a scathing indictment of…

The Surveillance State Behind Russia-Gate

Although many details are still hazy because of secrecy – and further befogged by politics – it appears House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes was informed last week about invasive electronic surveillance of senior U.S. government officials and, in turn,…

The Feuding Kleptocrats

The Trump kleptocrats are political arsonists. They are carting cans of gasoline into government agencies and Congress to burn down any structure or program that promotes the common good and impedes corporate profit. They ineptly have set themselves on fire…

The Politics Behind ‘Russia-gate’

Exclusive: The hysteria over “Russia-gate” continues to grow – as President Trump’s enemies circle – but at its core there may be no there there while it risks pushing the world toward nuclear annihilation, writes Robert Parry. There may be…

Trump’s Refugee Ban – Made in Israel?

President Trump has issued an executive order suspending entry to the U.S for people from Iraq, Syria, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Iran, and Yemen (the order is called “Protecting the Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry Into the United States”). These same…

Mad As Hell

Why the public is so pissed off Fair warning, my family just received a 61.5% increase in our healthcare insurance premium of 2017, on top of last year’s 24.8% increase, so I am quite annoyed at the moment.  For my…