Category: Science


The Bigger Picture is Hiding Behind a Virus By Jonathan Cook April 04, 2020 Things often look the way they do because someone claiming authority tells us they look that way. If that sounds too cynical, pause for a moment…

How To Save The Planet & Ourselves

How To Save The Planet & Ourselves By Chris Hedges November 18, 2019 If you read only one book this year, it should be Roger Hallam’s “Common Sense for the 21st Century: Only Nonviolent Rebellion Can Now Stop Climate Breakdown…

Child Agent Of Climate Awareness

Greta Thunberg & the Consolation of Doubt By Jonathan Cook October 02, 2019 The more Greta Thunberg articulates the terrifying emotions of awakening to our imminent extinction as a species – as she did, filled with trembling rage, at last…

Collapse Is Already Here

Submitted by:  ButtCracker   – Many people are expecting some degree of approaching collapse — be it economic, environmental and/or societal — thinking that they’ll recognize the danger signs in time. As if it will be completely obvious, like a Hollywood…

The Eurasian Century Is Now Unstoppable

I recently returned from a fascinating two week speaking tour in China. The occasion was the international premier of my newest book, One Belt, One Road–China and the New Eurasian Century. In the course of my visit I was invited…

How Israel Stole the Bomb

Exclusive: When Israel launched a covert scheme to steal material and secrets to build a nuclear bomb, U.S. officials looked the other way and obstructed investigations, as described in a book reviewed by James DiEugenio. By James DiEugenio In 1968,…

“Safe” Zika pesticide nukes millions of bees

Jon Rappoport Millions of bees have just died in South Carolina, because Dorchester County officials decided to attack Zika mosquitoes from the air, from planes, with a pesticide called Naled. The Washington Post reports, in an article headlined: “‘Like it’s…