Category: Surveillance


The Bigger Picture is Hiding Behind a Virus By Jonathan Cook April 04, 2020 Things often look the way they do because someone claiming authority tells us they look that way. If that sounds too cynical, pause for a moment…

Truth & Justice Just Might Have A Chance Next Year

Assange Gives Evidence In Spanish Case Against Security Contractor By Thomas Scripps December 23, 2019 WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was brought from Belmarsh Prison yesterday to appear in person at Westminster Magistrates Court and provide video-link witness testimony in the…

Orwell’s 1984 Revisited

George Orwell’s ‘1984’ revisited: What Oceania and Israel have in common For George Orwell, the appalling picture of the future starkly depicted in ‘1984’ was not some imaginative exercise. ‘Don’t let it happen. It depends on you,’ he warned By…

Impeach The Government—-Not Just Trump

Impeach the Government: Rogue Agencies Have Been Abusing Their Powers for Decades By John W. Whitehead “When a man unprincipled in private life[,] desperate in his fortune, bold in his temper . . . despotic in his ordinary demeanour —…

The Age Of Radical Evil

The Age of Radical Evil By Chris Hedges October 16, 2019 Immanuel Kant coined the term “radical evil.” It was the privileging of one’s own interest over that of others, effectively reducing those around you to objects to be manipulated and…

The US military’s vision for state censorship

Submitted by:  ButtCracker   — In March, the United States Special Operations Command, the section of the Defense Department supervising the US Special Forces, held a conference on the theme of “Sovereignty in the Information Age.” The conference brought together Special…

Surveillance Is Not About Fighting Terrorism

Submitted by:  ButtCracker   — Intelligence Community Says US Had Better Reauthorize Surveillance… Or Else The editorial board of the Washington Post, whose sole owner is a CIA contractor, has published a predictably fact-challenged op-ed arguing that congress must reauthorize the…

The CIA Made Google

Inside the secret network behind mass surveillance, endless war, and Skynet… INSURGE INTELLIGENCE, a new crowd-funded investigative journalism project, breaks the exclusive story of how the United States intelligence community funded, nurtured and incubated Google as part of a drive…

Comey and Mueller: Russiagate’s Mythical Heroes

Mainstream commentators display amnesia when they describe former FBI Directors Robert Mueller and James Comey as stellar and credible law enforcement figures. Perhaps if they included J. Edgar Hoover, such fulsome praise could be put into proper perspective. Although these…

Edward Snowden’s New Revelations Are Truly Chilling

Former intelligence contractor and NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden told the BBC’s Panorama that the UK intelligence centre GCHQ has the power to hack phones without their owners’ knowledge. In an interview with the BBC’s ‘Panorama’ which aired in Britain last week,…