Category: Un-Constitutional


Caitlin Johnstone—–27 Jun, 2020 12:37 / Updated 4 hours ago America is as authoritarian and intolerant of dissent as any tinpot dictatorship. It generally just goes about quashing it in a subtler, more sophisticated way, aided by a conformist, groupthink mainstream…

Giuliani Banging The Trump Drum, But For Whom?

Franklin Foer Staff writer for The Atlantic Rudy Giuliani Is Living the Dream Don’t let his butt-dials distract from his cunning. It can sometimes seem as if Donald Trump has outsourced the defense of his presidency to an erratic buffoon. Rudy…

Impeach The Government—-Not Just Trump

Impeach the Government: Rogue Agencies Have Been Abusing Their Powers for Decades By John W. Whitehead “When a man unprincipled in private life[,] desperate in his fortune, bold in his temper . . . despotic in his ordinary demeanour —…

The Politicization of the FBI

Submitted by:  ButtCracker   — Joseph E. diGenova, Former US Attorney Over the past year, facts have emerged that suggest there was a plot by high-ranking FBI and Department of Justice (DOJ) officials in the Obama administration, acting under color of…

The FBI Hand Behind Russia-gate

Submitted by: ButtCracker   — Special Report: In the Watergate era, liberals warned about U.S. intelligence agencies manipulating U.S. politics, but now Trump-hatred has blinded many of them to this danger becoming real, as ex-CIA analyst Ray McGovern notes. Russia-gate is…

The Death of the Republic

Submitted by ButtCracker  — The deep state’s decision in ancient Rome—dominated by a bloated military and a corrupt oligarchy, much like the United States of 2017—to strangle the vain and idiotic Emperor Commodus in his bath in the year 192…