The CIA Made Google

Inside the secret network behind mass surveillance, endless war, and Skynet… INSURGE INTELLIGENCE, a new crowd-funded investigative journalism project, breaks the exclusive story of how the United States intelligence community funded, nurtured and incubated Google as part of a drive…

A Silenced Israeli Critic

Submitted by ButtCracker   — Although the U.S. news media’s fancies itself the world’s “gold standard,” it operates with stunning hypocrisy and huge blind spots, none bigger than its fawning coverage of Israel that ignores critics like Miko Peled, notes Rick…

How Long, America?

Submitted by ButtCracker   — Empires die.  Some abruptly, by cataclysmic defeat and destruction; most in stages, over years, decades.  Our own meltdown–early in the fantasized “New American Century”–will not be exceptional… unlike our arrogance. When human injury results in coma,…