King of Debt Seeks Presidency

By: Peter Schiff, Friday, May 13, 2016 at Euro Pacific Capital, Inc. During a lengthy interview on CNBC the week before last, Donald Trump, fresh from becoming the presumptive Republican nominee, came as close as any major presidential contender ever has…

Is Ameica on the brink?

Jerry Kroth Published on Apr 19, 2016 Prof. Jerry Kroth, a psychologist, looks at that question differently that financial pundits and stock market gurus. Instead he looks through the prism of social science. Using anthropologist, Jared Diamond and historian Arnold…

Whales can’t eat plastic

A necropsy on dead sperm whales that washed up on the shore of Germany earlier this year revealed the ill-fated Giants had an array of plastics in their stomachs, according to researchers. Four of the 13 whales that washed up on…