How Long Will It Take For The US To Collapse?

Mental Illness, Mass Murders, War          

Societal breakdown, not just here, but all over the world is quite simply the result of greed and ego.   Our human existence system has become predicated and designed for one thing; keeping those in power in that position!  It matters not whether that is achieved thru economics, politics, the military, religion or a combination thereof.  Divisiveness is the key to their end with different media propaganda platforms being the useful tool.  This continual goal is poisoning and destroying life and lives on so many levels with chemicals, bombs, bullets and propaganda lies———–spending everything we have on more for those that have the most.  Humans have been crammed (uncontrolled population growth) on a Planet with finite space and resources, for what, more of what; more growth, for who?   Here in the US we have an election coming up that most likely will pit a visibly aged incumbent President that signaled four years ago he would not run for re-election, he shouldn’t, against the epitome of greed, ego and narcissism.  Folks on either side of the coin, isle or stadium for this game say they will choose the lesser of two evils—I say, pick your poison !  What do you expect when we are being led by factions such as we have—it drives some people mad.  The real weapons that are doing the horrible evil things are those of the manipulated mind.  Imagine if we spent our war resources on good instead of what we are ——————- “more” is causing less & less until it will all be gone.  Really, just what do you expect?  May reason and science subjugate superstition, may intelligence check our illusions so the evil temptation of blind faith be held at bay.

Jeff Gemutliche 11-11-2023